Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What is this?!

When I started thinking about my pending thesis over this past summer, I had no idea where to start. As a M.A. Grad Student in Communication Studies, you would think the options would be wide open. Most of my work had been within obesity, food, and disordered eating anyways: A Rhetorical Critique of The Biggest Loser, A Proposal for studying the Communication Competence within Obese children ( I feel that obese children are at risk for not being perceived as competent due to being teased and etc by peers), An Ethnography on Dinner Studio--a Meal Prep Kitchen, and a Rhetorical Critique of Women Who Eat ( Which just got accepted to Western Communication Ass. Convention!). My Thesis chair suggested looking at the Fat Acceptance Movement. Ok! Sounds good.

This blog will be capturing my thesis process, my woes and highs with the ordeal, issues within academia seen by a grad student, teaching adventures, and my own personal critics of issues I see.

My Thesis is looking at the Fat Acceptance Movement through Blogs-- SO why not have one of my own-- and how contemporary activism has changed by analyzing the blogs through their Consciousness-Raising functions.

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