Monday, November 24, 2008

Hey! I know! Let's Post on how much we hate fatties!

I just attending NCA (National Communication Association conference) this weekend. It was held in my town, San Diego. And to tell you the truth, I was the worse convention goer ever. I attended ONE panel. I did not return after brunch on Saturday because I couldn't "handle" it. I worked 12ish hours of volunteering-- 6.5 hours (a little over because I was early) to get free registration by telling famous names in communication where to grab dinner and how much the trolley is. And then 5.5 for my University as the smiling, very friendly, come to SDSU representative. My feet hurt. I was so tired. I was stressed. I didn't know what to do. I hated it. I talked it out with friends on how if this was what it was going to be like, I didn't want to get a PH.D. Etc. Etc. Etc.

So today I decided to start looking at real jobs to get a feel of what was out there and what I could get. Now I have a B.A. in Communication with a Concentration in PR. I worked in Marketing for about 2-3 years. And I will have a Masters in Communication Studies in May with my thesis being on the Fat Acceptance Movement. I want to work in Health Promotions, specifically for a Health at Every Size campaign or organization. Even Dove would be awesome (sure it's a two steps forward, one step back in the whole "Love yourself!... buy our Wrinkle Cream!", but I would love to keep it in San Diego if possible.

So I do a little googling around... and I find THIS:
Obesity in America, justified by the NAAFA

Yes, Really.

1. NONE of these people GOT the message. As you can see obesity is addressed in terms of "monsters", "whales", "fat asses", etc. etc. etc. Oh and that obese folks are just flat out lazy. Lack of self discipline is thrown out and in general the obese and overweight are made fun of.
Such as this post from papayamon:
as far as so few people actually losing weight and keeping it off, the problem is that people really don't give a damn. when it comes right down to it, they're going to eat and lay on their asses.

anyone ever try to help someone lose weight, only to find out that they didn't have a prayer of succeeding? and all because the dieter was obstinate about eating too much of the wrong foods and refused to exercise. they'll give themselves "treats" and make exceptions galore at every turn.

everyone want to "lose weight". it's a huge industry. yet when it comes right down to it, the only thing they'll do is eat another pizza and park their ass on the couch to watch tv.

if someone wants to be fat and promote that as a good thing, that's their right. however, i am going to view them as undisciplined and unhealthy, both of which are true.

Ok... when I weighed 178 pounds, I WORKED my asssssss off. 1-2 hours a day at the gym. Watched every freakin calorie and etc. And you know what? It came back. Sure I could have continued to starve myself and become a gym bulimic to fit a society standard, but instead I just decided to LIVE. I started running to get outside. I started cooking more and got into going green by shopping local and organic, I started enjoying the taste of butter when making eggs. I stopped being tied to the scale. And I ended up with better self-esteem and overall better mental and physical health. (Interestingly, I also found this study that illustrates just how fantastic health at every size is!)

2. How about this one ladies?
Originally posted by The Iron Lord
Okay, my name is "DieBeefbags."

Here's my contribution to the site...

Originally posted by chiknphat:
OK. They *must* be out there. Is it really such a hard task to make a beautiful, supportive bra in plus-sizes? Specifically, I'm looking for 46DDD or 48DD.

Sorry, dear. That's called a circus tent, not a bra.
Yeah. lol your fat. and I don't know what boobs look like because I'm on a bodybuilder forum... sorry... it slipped. But it makes a point. You want to judge and be the top of some beauty hierarchy, I'm gonna call you a tool.

3. Some of these folks have "doctor" as part of their names. Yeah... Doctor... Good job on sticking to the idea of "First, Do No Harm". (a blog I am currently writing a rhetorical crit on showing how blogs)

4. Speaking of Doctors, here is this post by GulfCoastAquari:
buffdan, that's hilarious. And so freakin true. He said...
Okay, I have an issue with this....if you're so happy being obese, then why are you afraid to go to the doctor? Shouldn't you march in there proudly and demand to be weighed? What's the problem all of a sudden? Do you think that maybe, just maybe, the doctor is concerned about your health and would like to help you? You know he's going to say something about your weight, and you know why he's gonna say it. There should be NO REASON for you to ever avoid going to the doctor.....
What are they going to say to that? They'll just delete it to alleviate the guilt of single-handedly having just eaten an entire Cheesecake.

So... I guess none of these folks have read the research on that once a patient is discriminated against based on size that the patient typically will not go back to the doctor due to the discrimination?? HELLO!

I am also pretty certain that many of these folks are the guys and gals who work at the gym. And if this is what they think of me, I think I'll stick to my runs on the boardwalk...

Anyone else angry?

Not only angry, but my mission in life is becoming very, very clear.

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